I've got a tree view on my page that i'm binding to by setting the ItemsSource property. How do I fine tune the binding so that I bind specific properties from my source dataset objects to the FullPath or the Header properties of the RadTreeViewItem node that is eventually created?
telerik:RadTreeView Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" PathSeparator="\" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DirectReportsTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=tbl_PathDomainDataSource, Path=Data}"
SelectedValuePath="PathID" x:Name="FolderTreeView"
IsLoadOnDemandEnabled="True" LoadOnDemand="tbl_PathRadTreeView_LoadOnDemand"
IsLineEnabled="False" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
IsEditable="True" ExpanderStyle="{StaticResource ExpanderStyle}" Selected="FolderTreeView_Selected">