I have this issue on RadGridView: as reported below, I have some columns. The first is an amount. The format of this amount is defined in the model with the amount value and the other fields. In run time, when I click on the amount column, the format is setted correctly but when I click on other columns, the amount format become wrong on each row.
I have this issue on RadGridView: as reported below, I have some columns. The first is an amount. The format of this amount is defined in the model with the amount value and the other fields. In run time, when I click on the amount column, the format is setted correctly but when I click on other columns, the amount format become wrong on each row.
<tgrid:GridViewDataColumn DataFormatString="{Binding AmountFormatSx}" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Path=entityData.Amount}" Header="Amount" TextAlignment="Right">
<telerikData:SumFunction Caption="Total: " SourceField="entityData.Importo" />
<telerikData:CountFunction Caption="Num: " />
<tgrid:GridViewDataColumn IsVisible="True" SortMemberPath="entityData.DataValuta" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Converter={StaticResource DateConverter}, Path=entityData.DataValuta}" Header="Data valuta" /> <tgrid:GridViewDataColumn IsVisible="True" SortMemberPath="entityData.DataOperazione" DataMemberBinding="{Binding Converter={StaticResource DateConverter}, Path=entityData.DataOperazione}" Header="Data operazione" />