I have the req where am displaying my grid view with gridview select column(checkbox) by default.
After checking all the checkbox in a gridview am fetching the selected checkbox values and storing in a cookie.
After when i try to visit that particular grid i should see make see in a such a way that the gridview row that i selected before should be selected by default.
Here is the code i have used to bind the gridview by default.
otherinfoGrid.ItemsSource = null;
string selectcolumn = String.Format("Select", 0);
CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
chk.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(CheckBox_Click);
GridViewSelectColumn columnselect = new GridViewSelectColumn();
columnselect.Width = GridViewLength.Auto;
columnselect.Header = chk;
string otherinfopropertyName13 = String.Format("OrderNo", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column13 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column13.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName13 };
column13.Header = otherinfopropertyName13;
string otherinfopropertyName = String.Format("Season", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column = new GridViewDataColumn();
column.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName };
column.Header = otherinfopropertyName;
string otherinfopropertyName1 = String.Format("BuyingPrice", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column1 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column1.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName1 };
column1.Header = otherinfopropertyName1;
string otherinfopropertyName2 = String.Format("SellingPrice", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column2 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column2.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName2 };
column2.Header = otherinfopropertyName2;
string otherinfopropertyName6 = String.Format("Order Qty", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column6 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column6.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName6 };
column6.Header = otherinfopropertyName6;
string otherinfopropertyName3 = String.Format("Whole Sale Price(USD)", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column3 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column3.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName3 };
column3.Header = otherinfopropertyName3;
string otherinfopropertyName4 = String.Format("FOB%", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column4 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column4.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName4 };
column4.Header = otherinfopropertyName4;
string otherinfopropertyName5 = String.Format("COS%", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column5 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column5.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName5 };
column5.Header = otherinfopropertyName5;
string otherinfopropertyName51 = String.Format("Garmentdescription", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column51 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column51.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName51 };
column51.Header = otherinfopropertyName51;
string otherinfopropertyName53 = String.Format("Factory", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column53 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column53.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName53 };
column53.Header = otherinfopropertyName53;
string otherinfopropertyName54 = String.Format("Buyerdeldate", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column54 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column54.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName54 };
column54.Header = otherinfopropertyName54;
string otherinfopropertyName55 = String.Format("planship", 0);
GridViewDataColumn column55 = new GridViewDataColumn();
column55.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName55 };
column55.Header = otherinfopropertyName55;
string otherinfopropertyName52 = String.Format("Agency", 0);
GridViewDataColumn Agencycolumn = new GridViewDataColumn();
Agencycolumn.DataMemberBinding = new Binding() { Converter = new otherConverter(), ConverterParameter = otherinfopropertyName52 };
Agencycolumn.Header = otherinfopropertyName52;
otherinfoGrid.ItemsSource = otherinfolistData;
while visiting again i already have the arraylist which i have stored the items in a cookie.
I should try to make sure that the gridview row items should match with my cookie value if so then select that particular row.
Please help me to achieve this.