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Behave like iGoogle dashboard?

3 Answers 148 Views
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Jason asked on 17 May 2010, 10:21 AM

I would like to use TileView for a user configurable dashboard that works in a similar way to Google's iGoogle dashboard. 
However there are a few features of TileView which makes this difficult.

1) As you drag a tile to a position the tiles that you drag over shift around even though you do not drop the tile near them. It would be great to be able to set a property to only change the positions of the tiles when the dragged tile is dropped.

2) Tiles only reposition within a column. (I also mentioned this in the "How to make TileViewItem's Height and Width fixed?" thread)

3) As you drag iGoogle show's a dashed line box showing you where the tile would go if it were dropped.

There are some great features in the TileView control such as its ability to give the Tiles different window states , but it looks like I may have to forgo these and use different controls to give me the behaviour I need. I would be grateful for any suggestions you have on the best approach.

Many thanks,

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Kiril Stanoev
Telerik team
answered on 17 May 2010, 02:07 PM
Hello Jason,

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Currently none of the functionality you described has an easy and straightforward workaround. I've added your requests in our PITS under the names:

TileView: Reorder items on drop
TileView: Visualize drop zone (dashed line in iGoogle)

These items will be available for tracking tomorrow the latest. We have plans on including new functionality in RadTileView but currently I cannot bind to a specific release date. Also, I'd like you to elaborate a little bit more on feature request #2. What exactly if the functionality you expect?

Let me know if you have further questions or comments on the topic. I'd be glad to continue the discussion with you. I've also added 500 Telerik points to your account.

Best wishes,
Kiril Stanoev
the Telerik team

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answered on 17 May 2010, 02:58 PM
Hi Kril,

Many thanks for your swift response.

Item 2 is to do with the logic used to move the tiles around to make space for a dropped tile. The default behaviour moves tiles horizontally and vertically to make space. However, when designing a dashboard layout (as with iGoogle) it is more natural to think of the tiles as (3 or 4) vertical lists so that when a tile is dropped it is inserted into the list and the tiles within the list are shuffled down to accommodate it.

So if the tiles look like:

And G is moved between B and E, then it would look like

I hope this explain things more clearly.


Kiril Stanoev
Telerik team
answered on 19 May 2010, 04:00 PM
Hello Jason,

Thank you for your clarification. Now I understand what you had in mind. I'll add this request under the name "TileView: Allow user to specify rearrangement mode" in our PITS and if it gathers enough popularity it will definitely be implemented.

Best wishes,
Kiril Stanoev
the Telerik team

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Kiril Stanoev
Telerik team
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