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AutoComplete In Multiple fields

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Tarjeet asked on 17 Nov 2011, 01:01 PM
My Name Is Tarjeet Singh
I have been Fighting around with the telerik autocomplete Feature.
I Have 4 combo Boxes First name, Last Name, Cont no, and Email resp.
Now what i want is that in case the Person puts first name in , he Should Get all the custome rList And as soon as he chooses To enter The Last name, he Should get The Customers filtered According to first Name Entered in the first Name Box.And So On in Case Of contact number and Email.
the Data Will be filtered And the Operator Will be Nearing by to The needed record by Entering the Details one By one.
if the First Name Is john, then the Last Name record Should be all johns and there Last Names. 
and if i select The john Lindsa Then the Phone number list should Be of all record who Have Name john lindsa.
But Hey ,
 if The i Think to Change The first Name Again , The List should be reset And Redone.
Help Please

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