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Autocomplete and Enter/TAB key navigation

1 Answer 128 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Robert Stuczynski
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Rank 1
Robert Stuczynski asked on 28 Apr 2010, 01:28 PM
It is not easy to explain and I record short vidoe how it work:

I have comboboxcolumn in gridview:

GridViewComboBoxColumn _zNrSpec = new GridViewComboBoxColumn();  
            _zNrSpec.DataSource = dbS.view_Trans_Order_StockCodes.OrderBy(o=>o.StockCode);  
            _zNrSpec.DisplayMember = "StockCode";  
            _zNrSpec.ValueMember = "StockCode";  
            _zNrSpec.FieldName = "zNrSpec";  
            _zNrSpec.Width = 90;  
            _zNrSpec.HeaderText = "Specyf";  
            _zNrSpec.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;  
            _zNrSpec.DropDownStyle = Telerik.WinControls.RadDropDownStyle.DropDown;  

If I try add new value (by choice one of position in this ComboBoxColumn) I must use arrows before I press TAB. I the other case my value is not member :(
Of course I can not use ENTER because if I do it I will not be able add vaule to another column.
How change key TAB behavior to member my value?

PS> Sorry I am wrong choice forum. Could you change it to correct: WinForms, Combobox?
If something is not clear pleas ask me. 

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Robert Stuczynski
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Rank 1
answered on 29 Apr 2010, 02:54 PM
I resolve my problem by setting:
radDgvPozyc.EnterKeyMode = RadGridViewEnterKeyMode.EnterMovesToNextCell;  

But I had another similar problem - I'll decribe it in another topic.
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Robert Stuczynski
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Robert Stuczynski
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