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Async Ria Validation

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MiddleTommy asked on 24 May 2010, 06:17 PM
I am doing an async validation when a property is changed. the validation happens but it is not reflected in the UI until the cell being validated is selected again after the async validation occurs. is there a way for the grid to keep track of the ValidationErrors collection in the Entity to update the UI? This is a SL 4 application

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answered on 25 May 2010, 07:01 PM
I read somewhere that Async DataValidation is not supported so I tried some things.

What I came up with was in the partial method of the ria services entity where the property is changed I add an error to the ValidationsErrors collection. Then when the property async passes validation I remove that error from the ValidationErrors collection.
Or if it fails I change the Error to be something else
It works for me.

 private MyCardsContext _vctx; 
        private MyCardsContext vctx 
                if (_vctx == null
                    _vctx = new MyCardsContext(); 
                return _vctx; 
        private ValidationResult mtypeError; 
        partial void  OntypeChanged() 
            var value = type; 
                mtypeError = new ValidationResult("Type is being checked"new[] { "type" }); 
                vctx.FindMType(this.type, delegate(InvokeOperation<MType> io) 
                                               var mtype = io.Value; 
                                               if (mtype == null
                                                   mtypeError = new ValidationResult("type is invalid"new[] { "type" }); 
                                                   MType = null
                                                   this.MType = mtype; 
                                           }, null); 
                MType = null

the query I call is labeled with the invoke attribute in the DomainService

        public MType FindMType(string alias) 
            var type = alias; 
            var aliases = GetMTypeAliases(); 
            var mt = from t in aliases 
                     where t.type == type 
                     select t.MType; 
            //var mtypes = GetMTypes(); 
            //var mt = from t in mtypes 
            //         where (from m in t.MTypeAliases where m.type == type select m.MTypeId).Contains(t.Id) 
            //         select t; 
            return mt.FirstOrDefault(); 

Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2010, 02:35 PM

We will do our best to include support for async validation unfortunately this will be most probably after Q2 2010 release - probably Sp1.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 27 May 2010, 03:58 PM
In the mean time is there an example or way to show cells with errors that are not being edited?
Say for instance you have a cell that when edited throws another cell in error.
Nedyalko Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 02 Jun 2010, 10:46 AM

I'm attaching a sample project that can give you an idea how to achieve this.
Important code is inside PersonValidator class (which handles data layer validation on a row level). Code inside RadGridView.RowValidated event handler just puts incorrect cell into edit mode.
I hope this will help.

Kind regards,
Nedyalko Nikolov
the Telerik team

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Nedyalko Nikolov
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