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What I have is a grid of data where the data is loaded using a WCF service. So its async. When it gets those results it parses them and for each result fires off another async data request that populates a chartview in each row of the grid. So if I have 10 items, then there are 11 aysnc data requests through a service. A lot, but I think necessary to render all the appropriate data. Async, inside an Async.
I am using a View Model as well.
The problem is that it renders the grid before all the data has been retrieved for the inner async calls on the grids so I get the default "No data to plot" message, but just scrolling the chart so the row is off the screen then back again and the chart renders appropriately. I am sure this is some timing issue and I am using the OnPropertyChanged Method inside the async end of the chart data, but I think its loading anyways and not rendering after all data has been retrieved.
How can I tell the grid to refresh, load, OnPropertyChanged, from inside the EndExecute and be sure to fire after the last async call has been made? This could be 1 - infinite service calls.
I am using a View Model as well.
The problem is that it renders the grid before all the data has been retrieved for the inner async calls on the grids so I get the default "No data to plot" message, but just scrolling the chart so the row is off the screen then back again and the chart renders appropriately. I am sure this is some timing issue and I am using the OnPropertyChanged Method inside the async end of the chart data, but I think its loading anyways and not rendering after all data has been retrieved.
How can I tell the grid to refresh, load, OnPropertyChanged, from inside the EndExecute and be sure to fire after the last async call has been made? This could be 1 - infinite service calls.