System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodEx(IntPtr ptr, String name, CValue[] cvData)
at MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodPack(IntPtr objectPtr, String methodName, Object[] rawData)
at MS.Internal.XcpImports.UIElement_TransformToVisual(UIElement element, UIElement visual)
at System.Windows.UIElement.TransformToVisual(UIElement visual)
at Telerik.Windows.Controls.ApplicationHelper.TransformToScreenRoot(UIElement target)
at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadHtmlPlaceholder.OnLayoutUpdated()
at Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadHtmlPlaceholder.<Init>b__14()
This error is very uncertain after some operations this error popup comes.
I have a raddocking control with two panes one is radgridview and second is radhtmlplaceholder. This error comes when i open/close the second radpane(which has radhtmlplaceholder control inside it) frequently. The open close is handled in the viewmodel by the IsHidden property of second radpane. This was working perfectly till Q22011, but it started giving error when i migrated to Q22011Sp1.
14 Answers, 1 is accepted
Best regards,
We were able to isolate the problem and a fix will be provided in the internal build which will be uploaded later today.
Sorry for the caused inconvenience.
the Telerik team
I'm also interested in this fix for HtmlPlaceHolder. Could you say if this fix is contained in the build 2011_2_1004_DEV_hotfix or is it still due? The release notes don't mention it.
Available Downloads:
I have same problem as mentioned above. But I can not download the hotfix. "Page not found". Can you show me .. where is it please?
Thank you, Kate
You can get to the latest internal builds from the Your Acount link:
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Download also: Latest Internal Builds
thank you for answer, I see it now :o)
Is it supported? and can we distribute these dll's with our product. We have taken 2011.SP2 which appeared to resolve one of our issues but we have had to take the hotfix because the issue specified in the thread was introduced.
From your description it mentions.
What are Latest Internal Builds?
-made automatically and include all current fixes from our source repository
-intended for development only
-not recommended for production purposes
-have not gone through the complete QA process
-an integral part of our development process
Many thanks
The minor releases are good enough for production release, because they are evolution of the Official release and the Service Packs, meaning that only bug fixes (that are tested) are released (through the minor release) and no new development code.
Yes, we will support a released hotfix (int. build), issues introduced in an internal build are usually solved in the next Official Release.
Just make sure that your product is stable with the hotfix and then it is safe to release.
Petar Mladenov
the Telerik team
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Sometimes when closing application I get the following exception:
{System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to InvokeSelf.
bij System.Windows.Browser.ScriptObject.InvokeSelf(Object[] args)
bij Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadHtmlPlaceholder.get_SilverlightLocation()
bij Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadHtmlPlaceholder.OnLayoutUpdated()
bij Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadHtmlPlaceholder.<Init>b__14()}
Could you please try out the Internal build from this week (12.05) and let us know if this is reproducible again? Thank you in advance.
Best wishes,Petar Mladenov
the Telerik team
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