6 Answers, 1 is accepted
Thank you for your interest in the RadExpander for Silverlight.
The expander's behavior is exactly what you are talking about. It pushes other controls out. However there is one tricky moment - if the expander is stretched (VerticalAlignment=Stretch) then its size will be calculated according to the layout it resides in. In order to get the desired behavior please put the expander inside a StackPanel.
If you still experience any kind of problem with the expander please sent us your application and we will fix it for you.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:telerik="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls" xmlns:telerikNavigation="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation"
d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Style="{StaticResource LayoutRootGridStyle}">
<Border x:Name="ContentBorder" Style="{StaticResource ContentBorderStyle}">
<navigation:Frame x:Name="ContentFrame" Style="{StaticResource ContentFrameStyle}"
Source="/Home" Navigated="ContentFrame_Navigated" NavigationFailed="ContentFrame_NavigationFailed">
<uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="" MappedUri="/Views/Home.xaml"/>
<uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/{pageName}" MappedUri="/Views/{pageName}.xaml"/>
<Grid Style="{StaticResource NavigationOuterGridStyle}">
<Grid x:Name="NavigationGrid" Style="{StaticResource NavigationGridStyle}">
<Border x:Name="BrandingBorder" Style="{StaticResource BrandingBorderStyle}">
<StackPanel x:Name="BrandingStackPanel" Style="{StaticResource BrandingStackPanelStyle}">
<ContentControl Style="{StaticResource LogoIcon}"/>
<TextBlock x:Name="ApplicationNameTextBlock" Style="{StaticResource ApplicationNameStyle}"
Text="Salon Connect"/>
<Border x:Name="LinksBorder" Style="{StaticResource LinksBorderStyle}">
<StackPanel x:Name="LinksStackPanel" Style="{StaticResource LinksStackPanelStyle}">
<telerik:RadExpander ExpandDirection="Down" Header="Add New Customer" Width="300" telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Vista">
<TextBlock Text="First" />
<TextBlock Text="Last" />
<TextBlock Text="Address" />
<TextBlock Text="City" />
<TextBlock Text="State" />
<telerikNavigation:RadMenu x:Name="Mainmenu" ClickToOpen="True">
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Home" Click="RadMenuItem_Home_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Profile" Click="RadMenuItem_Profile_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Calendar" Click="RadMenuItem_Calendar_Click" />
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Customers" Click="RadMenuItem_Customer_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Twitter" Click="RadMenuItem_Twitter_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Marketing" Click="RadMenuItem_Marketing_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Reports" Click="RadMenuItem_Reports_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Settings" Click="RadMenuItem_Settings_Click"/>
<telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Help" Click="RadMenuItem_Help_Click"/>
<Border x:Name="loginContainer" Style="{StaticResource LoginContainerStyle}">
<!-- LoginStatus will be added here in code behind. This is required for the designer view to work -->
Thank you for contacting us.
The UI exactly follows the layout of your xaml-code. Both the menu and the expander are placed in a Stack Panel. Because of this the menu will always move according to the expander's size. Please share with us what exactly are your UI goals and we will try to help you.
Looking forward for your reply.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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CAN YOU PLEASE Take down my ui-wireframe from the site!! I didnt know that it would post it directly to the forum. I tried to update my ticket to remove it but i cant!!
Sorry for the late response.
In the attached example we are demonstrating some different scenarios. Below is a short description:
- A "push-down toggle button":
This button (RadToggleButton) shows/hides a panel. This panel moves down/up all the content beneath it. - An "overlap toggle button":
This button (RadToggleButton) shows/hides a panel. This panel overlaps the content beneath it. - A "push-down expander":
When this expander expands/collapse it moves down/up all the content beneath it. - An "overlap expander":
When this expander expands/collapse it just overlaps the content beneath it. - A "drop-down button":
This button (RadDropDownButton) overlaps the content beneath it.
Please give it a try and let us know if you have other questions.
the Telerik team
Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items.