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AppointmentItemContentTemplate not working properly

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Mohammed asked on 13 Jul 2012, 07:41 AM
Presently I'm working on RadScheduleView control (Silverlight 4 version)  
to display two different type of appointments.  Following is scale downversion of what I'm trying to do,

public abstract class AppointmentTypeBase : AppointmentBase
   public class AppointmentTypeOne : AppointmentTypeBase
       public override IAppointment Copy()
           var appt = new AppointmentTypeOne();
           return appt;
   public class AppointmentTypeTwo : AppointmentTypeBase
       public override IAppointment Copy()
           var appt = new AppointmentTypeTwo();
           return appt;

Then my actual container class which represents the appointment in the AppointmentSource is as follows,

public class AppointmentContainer : AppointmentBase
        public override IAppointment Copy()
            return this;
        public AppointmentTypeBase AppointmentBase { get; set; }
        public override DateTime Start
                if (this.AppointmentBase != null)
                    return this.AppointmentBase.Start;
                return base.Start;
                if (this.AppointmentBase != null)
                    this.AppointmentBase.Start = value;
                base.Start = value;
        public override DateTime End
                    return this.AppointmentBase.End;
                return base.End;
                if (this.AppointmentBase != null)
                    this.AppointmentBase.End = value;
                base.End = value;
        public override string Subject
                if (this.AppointmentBase != null)
                    return this.AppointmentBase.Subject;
                return base.Subject;
                if (this.AppointmentBase != null)
                    this.AppointmentBase.Subject = value;
                base.Subject = value;

Then my AppointmentItemContentTemplate is as follows
<DataTemplate x:Key="AppointmentViewTemplate">
           <Grid DataContext="{Binding Appointment.AppointmentBase}">
               <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding}">
                                           <DataTemplate x:Key="appointmentTypeOne">
                                               <local:AppointmentTypeOneCtrl />
                                           <DataTemplate x:Key="appointmentTypeTwo">
                                               <local:AppointmentTypeTwoCtrl />

AppointmentTypeOneCtrl is 

<UserControl x:Class="ScheduleViewError.AppointmentTypeOneCtrl"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="*" />
        <Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
                <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1"
                    <GradientStop Color="#FF0036FF"
                                  Offset="0" />
                    <GradientStop Color="#FF6B86E2"
                                  Offset="1" />
        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
                   Text="{Binding Subject}"
                   TextWrapping="Wrap" />

and AppointmentTypeTwoCtrl is 
<UserControl x:Class="ScheduleViewError.AppointmentTypeTwoCtrl"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="*" />
        <Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
                <LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,1"
                    <GradientStop Color="#FF4B0348"
                                  Offset="0" />
                    <GradientStop Color="#FFBC5CB9"
                                  Offset="1" />
            <TextBlock Grid.Row="1"
                   Text="{Binding Subject}"
                   TextWrapping="Wrap" />

I generate two of each kind in the viewmodel for ScheduleView as follows
public class CalendarViewModel : ViewModelBase
       public CalendarViewModel()
                 VisibleRangeChangeCmd = new DelegateCommand(OnVisibleRangeExecuted, OnVisibleRangeCanExecute);
       private ObservableCollection<AppointmentContainer> _collection;
       public ObservableCollection<AppointmentContainer> Collection
           get { return _collection ?? (_collection = new ObservableCollection<AppointmentContainer>()); }
       public ICommand VisibleRangeChangeCmd { get; private set; }
       private static bool? _isInDesignMode;
       public static bool IsDesignTime
               if (!_isInDesignMode.HasValue)
                   _isInDesignMode = DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool;
               return _isInDesignMode.Value;
       private void OnVisibleRangeExecuted(object param)
           var dateSpan = param as Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView.IDateSpan;
           if (dateSpan != null)
               GenerateAppointmentsSourceForTimeRange(dateSpan.Start, dateSpan.End);
       private bool OnVisibleRangeCanExecute(object param)
           return param != null;
       /// <summary>
       /// Generates the appointments source for time range.
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="startTime">The start time.</param>
       /// <param name="endTime">The end time.</param>
       protected void GenerateAppointmentsSourceForTimeRange(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
           GenerateTypeOne(startTime, endTime);
           GenerateTypeTwo(startTime, endTime);
       private void GenerateTypeTwo(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
           string subjectStr = string.Format("Subject - {0}", typeof (AppointmentTypeOne).Name);
           Collection.Add(new AppointmentContainer
                                  AppointmentBase =
                                      new AppointmentTypeOne
                                          {Start = startTime.AddHours(3), End = startTime.AddHours(4), Subject = subjectStr}
           Collection.Add(new AppointmentContainer
               AppointmentBase =
                   new AppointmentTypeOne { Start = startTime.AddHours(8), End = startTime.AddHours(9), Subject = subjectStr }
       private void GenerateTypeOne(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
           string subjectStr = string.Format("Subject - {0}", typeof(AppointmentTypeTwo).Name);
           Collection.Add(new AppointmentContainer
               AppointmentBase =
                   new AppointmentTypeTwo { Start = startTime.AddHours(6), End = startTime.AddHours(7), Subject = subjectStr }
           Collection.Add(new AppointmentContainer
               AppointmentBase =
                   new AppointmentTypeTwo { Start = startTime.AddHours(11), End = startTime.AddHours(12), Subject = subjectStr }

Things show fine as expected when the application is lauched. But when I scroll up/down in the Daily view the appointment views which were initially visible just go blank. I was not able figure why this is happening intermittently. This problem can well understood if it is seen live. I would like to post repro project that I created.

     Please help me in this problem

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