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Always Enabled in DataForm

5 Answers 108 Views
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Louis Bouchard
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Rank 1
Louis Bouchard asked on 11 Jun 2010, 02:42 AM

My RadComboBox is always enabled in my DataForm even if I'm not in EditMode. 

I try this w/o success :

1) Set by default IsEnabled="false" my RadComboBox
2) In the BeginningEdit event : ((RadComboBox)DataFormfiche.FindNameInContent("CategoriesComboBox")).IsEnabled = true;    
3) In the EditEnding event :  ((RadComboBox)DataFormfiche.FindNameInContent("CategoriesComboBox")).IsEnabled = false; 

Always disabled!

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answered on 11 Jun 2010, 04:26 AM
Hi Louis,

Would you mine sharing your XAML and code-behind here so we can help you quicker? :)

Best regards,
Seree W.
Louis Bouchard
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 11 Jun 2010, 05:28 AM

A big thank you for your help Seree :

XAML File :




toolkit:DataForm Name="DataFormfiche" EditEnding="DataFormfiche_EditEnding" BeginningEdit="DataFormfiche_BeginningEdit" Background="Beige" Width="1024" CommandButtonsVisibility="Add, Cancel, Commit, Delete, Edit, Navigation" ItemsSource= "{Binding Data, ElementName=ficheDomainDataSource}" AutoGenerateFields="False" AutoCommit="False" AutoEdit="False" AddingNewItem="DataFormfiche_AddingNewItem" ContentLoaded="DataFormfiche_ContentLoaded" Loaded="DataFormfiche_Loaded" EditEnded="DataFormfiche_EditEnded">








<toolkit:DataField Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left">







<telerik:RadComboBox Name="NoCategorieComboBox" IsEnabled="False"  SelectedValue="{Binding NoCategorieEspaceClos, Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedValuePath="NoCategorie" Width="240" Height="25" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource categoriesespacesclosDomainDataSource}, Path=Data}" DisplayMemberPath="DescriptionCategorie_fr" />




























private void DataFormfiche_BeginningEdit(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)




RadComboBox)DataFormfiche.FindNameInContent("NoCategorieComboBox")).IsEnabled = true;




private void DataFormfiche_EditEnding(object sender, DataFormEditEndingEventArgs e)




RadComboBox)DataFormfiche.FindNameInContent("NoCategorieComboBox")).IsEnabled = false;



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Rank 2
answered on 11 Jun 2010, 05:51 AM
Hi Louis,

Please try setting IsEnabled by using ContentLoaded instead of BeginningEdit/EditEnding.

void FormDetails_ContentLoaded(object sender, DataFormContentLoadEventArgs e) 
            var lookup = (FormDetails.FindNameInContent("ComboLookup") as RadComboBox);             
            if (e.Mode == DataFormMode.ReadOnly) 
                lookup.IsEnabled = false
                lookup.IsEnabled = true

Hope this help.

Best regards,
Seree W.
Louis Bouchard
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 11 Jun 2010, 06:16 PM
Hello Seree,

Thank you for your code.  I try it and the code excute fine but the control stay in the same state (enabled).

The DataForm need to be refresh or something like this?

Louis Bouchard
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 12 Jun 2010, 01:34 AM
It's working now.  Thank you for the information Seree, you help me to find the final solution.  THe only difference, I use direct reference to the RadComboBox.

            //var lookup = (DataFormficheespacesclos.FindNameInContent("ComboBoxQuantite") as RadComboBox);
            if (e.Mode == DataFormMode.ReadOnly)
                //lookup.IsEnabled = false;
                ((RadComboBox)DataFormficheespacesclos.FindNameInContent("NoCategorieEspaceClosComboBox")).IsEnabled = false;
                ((RadComboBox)DataFormficheespacesclos.FindNameInContent("NoCategorieEspaceClosComboBox")).IsEnabled = true;
                //lookup.IsEnabled = true;

Have nice day.
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Louis Bouchard
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Louis Bouchard
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