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Aggregatefunctions in Groupdescrptors disappear after DataLoading

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ATeam asked on 23 Jun 2010, 07:57 AM

I'm using RadGridView for displaying grouped data, which is bound to a CollectionViewSource.

I have defined a groupdescriptor with 3 aggregate functions. These are coded similar to the examples from the documentation.

When the collection was changed and the page was loaded again, the grid looses all group descriptors.

I tried to solve the problem, by defining groups in the collectionviewsource. I declared a PropertyGroupDescription. It seems that the group descriptions replaced the groupdescriptor. So I got a grouping in the grid, but without the aggregate functions.

I got a workaround for this, by adding everytime the collectionviewsource is changed the groupdescriptor and the aggregate functions to the grid and also in the page loaded event. But I am not very happy with this solution, hopefully there is a better way.

best regards

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Stefan Dobrev
Telerik team
answered on 28 Jun 2010, 05:37 PM
Hello Dominik Fürst,

I have tried to replicate your issue locally, but everything works as expected on my end. Can you please modify my sample project to illustrate exactly how the group descriptors aggregates are cleared? You can find my project attached to this forum thread.

Best wishes,
Stefan Dobrev
the Telerik team
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Stefan Dobrev
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