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Adding unbound data to a Grid with columns

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Andrew asked on 16 Jun 2010, 09:10 PM

I looked to the sample from the online demo, however it uses an object (myBusinessObject) which makes the data to go to the right column.
However, I am wondering if it's possible to set data for a specific column in the unbound scenario.
Something like 
dataGrid.Items.Add(0); // this would add the first row with the first column set to zero
dataGrid.Rows(0).Columns(1) = 1;  // add 1 to the 2nd column of first row


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Telerik team
answered on 18 Jun 2010, 10:01 AM
Hi Ken,

When working with unbound data you can set & get the properties of the items in the same way as when using ItemsSource. So, there is no need to work with the UI Elements.
Thus if you have a player added to the grid's items and you want to set its property Number, you can do it in the following manner:

editedPlayer.Number = 66;

An important thing here is that the class Player needs to implement the interface INotifyPropertyChanged
I am sending you a sample project demonstrating how to add new item with a programatically set property and how to change the value of one of the elements.

Kind regards,
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answered on 18 Jun 2010, 03:28 PM

Thanks for the message.

Setting properties on the bound object makes it to work in the same with how the bounded data works for the control.
The only difference is that you use Items when adding a new row instead of binding with ItemsSource.
I was looking for another option.

Thanks anyway,
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