i am binding the Y axis of a chart width a 6 digits integer where where the 4 highest digits represent a year, and 2 lowest a week number: example 200931 => year 2009, week 31.
I am tring to set the AxisY.DefaultLAbelFormat so that the chart Y axixs label would display soemething like "2009 - w 31".
Could you please tell me what kinf of sting format expression shall I use?
I tried somethiogn like
i am binding the Y axis of a chart width a 6 digits integer where where the 4 highest digits represent a year, and 2 lowest a week number: example 200931 => year 2009, week 31.
I am tring to set the AxisY.DefaultLAbelFormat so that the chart Y axixs label would display soemething like "2009 - w 31".
Could you please tell me what kinf of sting format expression shall I use?
I tried somethiogn like
{#### - w ##}
but no success.