4 Answers, 1 is accepted
Thank you for the question.
The first 1000 winners of the campaign in question got their licenses yesterday and they were informed via e-mail accordingly.
Hi Telerik/Nikolay,
I just read that the 1000 winners have already been rewarded. Unfortunately I didn't get the email :(
I've downloaded the beta on november 19th and installed it to play with the components, they are great as their WP8 counterparts. I've even asked you on Twitter if downloading was sufficient to participate and it was confirmed according to the terms of official rules of the promotion. (https://twitter.com/cocotteseb/status/667339277441867776)
Can you check if there is a mistake somewhere :( ? Was November 19th too late compared to the november 17th published blog post due to success ?
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your interest in the promotion. Unfortunately, your name did not make it in the winners list. As Nikolay pointed out, all winners have been notified by e-mail.