
Frequently Asked

How can I buy Telerik Reporting?

Telerik Reporting is royalty-free with a license price starting at $699 annually per developer. This .NET reporting tool is available for purchase with flexible pricing options, based on developers’ support needs.

There are two additional options to buy Telerik Reporting as well. First, one can acquire the reporting tool with the Telerik DevCraft Complete bundle. Second, one can get Telerik Reporting with the Telerik DevCraft Ultimate bundle. If developer or reporting user decide to buy Telerik Reporting within DevCraft Ultimate bundles, they will be able to add end-to-end report management functionalities to their .NET reporting tool with Telerik Report Server. With the purchase of Telerik Reporting developer or reporting user immediately get access to a ton of resources to simplify the learning curve and process of product implementation: Telerik Reporting installation Guide, Quick start tutorials and getting started materials, extensive documentation with real code examples, videos, demos, blogposts. Enlist the help of one of the biggest .NET communities and reporting forums out there. Ask a question in our forums and our support team will come to the rescue.

Still undecided? You can evaluate and see all the benefits of Telerik Reporting by downloading a 30-day free trial. Doing so will get you access to our support with response time of less than 24 hours. The trial will also provide you with detailed resources to make the Getting started experience as smooth as possible.

For more information, visit Telerik Reporting page.