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Radial Gauge Pointers

The Pointers of the Telerik UI RadialGauge for ASP.NET MVC are the values that will be marked on the scale. Customize them via the following options:


  • The Color (string) parameter controls the color of the pointers. It accepts CSS, HEX and RGB colors.
  • The Length (string) parameter controls the pointers length (in percent) that is based on the distance to the scale. The default length of 1 indicates that the pointer exactly reaches the scale. Accepts values between 0.1 and 1.5.
        .Pointers(pointers =>

Pointer Cap

  • The Color (string) parameter controls the color of the pointer cap. It accepts CSS, HEX and RGB colors.

  • The Size (double) parameter controls the size of the pointer cap in percentage according to the scale radius. (from 0 to 1). The default size is 0.05.

            .Pointers(pointers =>
                pointers.Add().Value(10).Color("#c20000").Length(0.5).Cap(c => c.Size(0.15).Color("red"));

Multiple Pointers

The RadialGauge supports the usage of multiple pointers simultaneously. They can be declared within the Pointers option of the widget:

        .Pointers(pointers =>
            pointers.Add().Value(10).Color("#c20000").Length(0.5).Cap(c => c.Size(0.15));
            pointers.Add().Value(70).Color("#ff7a00").Length(0.75).Cap(c => c.Size(0.1));
        .Scale(scale => scale

See Also

In this article
PointerPointer CapMultiple PointersSee Also
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