$kendo-color-white | Color | #ffffff | #ffffff |
DescriptionThe color white. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-color-black | Color | #000000 | #000000 |
DescriptionThe color black. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-color-primary | Color | #622331 | #622331 |
DescriptionThe color that focuses the user attention. Used for primary buttons and for elements of primary importance across the theme.
$kendo-color-primary-contrast | Color | k-contrast-color( $kendo-color-primary ) | white |
DescriptionThe color used along with the primary color denoted by $kendo-color-primary. Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
$kendo-color-info | Color | #0969da | #0969da |
DescriptionThe color for informational messages and states.
$kendo-color-success | Color | #1a7f37 | #1a7f37 |
DescriptionThe color for success messages and states.
$kendo-color-warning | Color | #bc4c00 | #bc4c00 |
DescriptionThe color for warning messages and states.
$kendo-color-error | Color | #cf222e | #cf222e |
DescriptionThe color for error messages and states.
$kendo-color-dark | Color | #404040 | #404040 |
DescriptionThe dark color of the theme.
$kendo-color-light | Color | #ebebeb | #ebebeb |
DescriptionThe light color of the theme.
$kendo-color-inverse | Color | if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, $kendo-color-light, $kendo-color-dark ) | #404040 |
DescriptionInverse color of the theme. Depending on the theme luminance dark or light, it will be light or dark
$kendo-color-rgba-transparent | Color | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) |
DescriptionThe color transparent. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-transparent-to-black | Gradient | rgba(black, 0), black | rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), black |
DescriptionA gradient that goes from transparent to black. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-transparent-to-white | Gradient | rgba(white, 0), white | rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), white |
DescriptionA gradient that goes from transparent to white. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-black-to-transparent | Gradient | black, rgba(black, 0) | black, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) |
DescriptionA gradient that goes from black to transparent. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-white-to-transparent | Gradient | white, rgba(white, 0) | white, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) |
DescriptionA gradient that goes from white to transparent. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-rainbow | Gradient | #ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #00ffff, #0000ff, #ff00ff, #ff0000 | #ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #00ffff, #0000ff, #ff00ff, #ff0000 |
DescriptionA gradient that cycles through the colors of the rainbow. Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-colors | Map | $_default-colors | - app-surface: #ffffff
- on-app-surface: #3d3d3d
- subtle: #666666
- surface: #fafafa
- surface-alt: #ffffff
- border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)
- border-alt: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)
- base-subtle: #ebebeb
- base-subtle-hover: #e0e0e0
- base-subtle-active: #d6d6d6
- base: #f5f5f5
- base-hover: #ebebeb
- base-active: #d6d6d6
- base-emphasis: #c2c2c2
- base-on-subtle: #3d3d3d
- on-base: #3d3d3d
- base-on-surface: #3d3d3d
- primary-subtle: #ffeceb
- primary-subtle-hover: #ffdedb
- primary-subtle-active: #ffc8c4
- primary: #ff6358
- primary-hover: #ea5a51
- primary-active: #d45349
- primary-emphasis: #ff9d97
- primary-on-subtle: #5c201c
- on-primary: #ffffff
- primary-on-surface: #ff6358
- secondary-subtle: #fafafa
- secondary-subtle-hover: #f5f5f5
- secondary-subtle-active: #ebebeb
- secondary: #666666
- secondary-hover: #525252
- secondary-active: #3d3d3d
- secondary-emphasis: #e0e0e0
- secondary-on-subtle: #141414
- on-secondary: #ffffff
- secondary-on-surface: #292929
- tertiary-subtle: #d8f1fd
- tertiary-subtle-hover: #c5eafc
- tertiary-subtle-active: #a3dffb
- tertiary: #03a9f4
- tertiary-hover: #039ae0
- tertiary-active: #028ccb
- tertiary-emphasis: #61c9f9
- tertiary-on-subtle: #023f5c
- on-tertiary: #ffffff
- tertiary-on-surface: #028ccb
- info-subtle: #d2e2fb
- info-subtle-hover: #bdd4f8
- info-subtle-active: #80acf4
- info: #0058e9
- info-hover: #0052d6
- info-active: #004ac2
- info-emphasis: #6098f2
- info-on-subtle: #002259
- on-info: #ffffff
- info-on-surface: #004ac2
- success-subtle: #dcf0d3
- success-subtle-hover: #cbe9bf
- success-subtle-active: #b7e1a5
- success: #37b400
- success-hover: #32a500
- success-active: #2d9600
- success-emphasis: #81d15f
- success-on-subtle: #1c5a00
- on-success: #ffffff
- success-on-surface: #2d9600
- warning-subtle: #fff4d3
- warning-subtle-hover: #ffeebd
- warning-subtle-active: #ffe79e
- warning: #ffc000
- warning-hover: #eaaf00
- warning-active: #d49f00
- warning-emphasis: #ffd760
- warning-on-subtle: #5e4700
- on-warning: #3d3d3d
- warning-on-surface: #ffc000
- error-subtle: #fcddda
- error-subtle-hover: #fbc8c3
- error-subtle-active: #f98b80
- error: #f31700
- error-hover: #df1600
- error-active: #ca1400
- error-emphasis: #f76f60
- error-on-subtle: #7a0c00
- on-error: #ffffff
- error-on-surface: #ca1400
- light-subtle: #fafafa
- light-subtle-hover: #f5f5f5
- light-subtle-active: #ebebeb
- light: #ebebeb
- light-hover: #e0e0e0
- light-active: #d6d6d6
- light-emphasis: #d6d6d6
- light-on-subtle: #141414
- on-light: #000000
- light-on-surface: #e0e0e0
- dark-subtle: #c2c2c2
- dark-subtle-hover: #adadad
- dark-subtle-active: #999999
- dark: #3d3d3d
- dark-hover: #292929
- dark-active: #1f1f1f
- dark-emphasis: #666666
- dark-on-subtle: #1f1f1f
- on-dark: #ffffff
- dark-on-surface: #141414
- inverse-subtle: #c2c2c2
- inverse-subtle-hover: #adadad
- inverse-subtle-active: #999999
- inverse: #3d3d3d
- inverse-hover: #292929
- inverse-active: #1f1f1f
- inverse-emphasis: #666666
- inverse-on-subtle: #1f1f1f
- on-inverse: #ffffff
- inverse-on-surface: #141414
- series-a: #ff6358
- series-a-bold: #bf4a42
- series-a-bolder: #80322c
- series-a-subtle: #ffb1ac
- series-a-subtler: #ff8a82
- series-b: #ffe162
- series-b-bold: #bfa94a
- series-b-bolder: #807131
- series-b-subtle: #fff0b1
- series-b-subtler: #ffe989
- series-c: #4cd180
- series-c-bold: #399d60
- series-c-bolder: #266940
- series-c-subtle: #a6e8c0
- series-c-subtler: #79dda0
- series-d: #4b5ffa
- series-d-bold: #3847bc
- series-d-bolder: #26307d
- series-d-subtle: #a5affd
- series-d-subtler: #7887fb
- series-e: #ac58ff
- series-e-bold: #8142bf
- series-e-bolder: #562c80
- series-e-subtle: #d6acff
- series-e-subtler: #c182ff
- series-f: #ff5892
- series-f-bold: #bf426e
- series-f-bolder: #802c49
- series-f-subtle: #ffacc9
- series-f-subtler: #ff82ae
DescriptionThe global default Colors map.