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Displaying all Grid records by using the built-in DropDownList in the Pager


ProductProgress® Kendo UI for Angular Grid


How to display all Grid records by using the built-in DropDownList in the Pager?


  1. Implement a kendoPagerTemplate and define the built-in PagerPageSizesComponent inside the template.

    <ng-template kendoPagerTemplate>
  2. Create an array of PageSizeItem objects and define an object with value all.

    public pageSizes: PageSizeItem[] = [
        { text: 'All', value: 'all' },
  3. Finally, bind the pageSizes property of the PagerPageSizesComponent to the collection of PageSizeItem objects.

    <ng-template kendoPagerTemplate>

The following example demonstrates how to implement the described approach.

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