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Copying Row Data from the Grid by Using the Angular Material Clipboard Service


ProductProgress® Kendo UI® Data Grid for Angular


How can I copy row data from the Kendo UI for Angular Grid component by using the Angular Material Clipboard service?


The Kendo UI for Angular Data Grid does not provide a built-in way to copy row data to the clipboard. However, you can use the Angular Material Clipboard service to implement this functionality.

The following solution is only a basic example of how to copy row data from the Grid component. You can customize the implementation to suit your needs.

  1. Install the @angular/cdk package:

    npm install @angular/cdk
  2. Import the ClipboardModule in the module where you want to use the Clipboard service:

    import { ClipboardModule } from '@angular/cdk/clipboard';
        imports: [
  3. Inject the Clipboard service in the component where you want to use it:

    import { Clipboard } from '@angular/cdk/clipboard';
    export class AppComponent {
        constructor(private clipboard: Clipboard) { }
  4. Use the cellClick event of the Grid to get the row data and save it in a variable:

    export class AppComponent {
        public rowData: string = '';
        public selectableSettings: SelectableSettings = { mode: 'single' };
        public onCellClick(event: CellClickEvent): void {
            this.rowData = JSON.stringify(event.dataItem);
  5. Add a button to the toolbar template of the Grid and bind its click event to the custom onCopyData method:

            <ng-template kendoGridToolbarTemplate>
                <button kendoButton (click)="onCopyData()">Copy Row Data</button>
  6. Use the copy method of the Clipboard service to copy the row data to the clipboard:

    public onCopyData(): void {

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