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Implementing an Alphabetic Pager for the Grid


ProductProgress® Kendo UI® for Angular Grid


How can I implement an alphabetic pager for the Kendo UI for Angular Grid component?


  1. Use the kendoPagerTemplate directive to create a custom pager that includes buttons with letters for filtering.

    <ng-template kendoGridToolbarTemplate position="bottom">
        <button kendoButton (click)="onLoadAll()">ALL</button>
        <button *ngFor="let letter of letters" kendoButton (click)="onClick(letter)">
            {{ letter }}
  2. To filter the Grid data based on the clicked letter, handle the click event of the buttons and pass the letter string as a filter parameter.

    public onClick(letter: string): void {
        this.gridView = products.filter((item) =>

The following example demonstrates the suggested approach.

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