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Implementing a DateTimePicker Filter in Grid


ProductProgress® Kendo UI for Angular Grid


How to implement a DateTimePicker as a custom Grid filter row component?


By default, the Grid uses the DatePicker as the built-in component when filtering a date column. To use DateTimePicker instead, customize the default filter with the FilterCellTemplateDirective.

  1. Use the FilterCellTemplateDirective in the column whose filter needs to be customized.

    <kendo-grid-column field="FirstOrderedOn">
        <ng-template kendoGridFilterCellTemplate let-filter>
  2. In a separate file create the DateTimePicker component that is going to act as a filter in the Grid.

    <kendo-datetimepicker (valueChange)="onChange($event)" [format]="'dd/MM/yyyy'">
  3. Handle the DateTimePicker's built-in valueChange event and use the applyFilter and updateFilter methods of the BaseFilterCellComponent to filter the column.

    export class DateTimeFilterComponent extends BaseFilterCellComponent {
        constructor(filterService: FilterService) {
        public onChange(value: any): void {
                    field: this.valueField,
                    operator: 'eq',
                    value: value
  4. To clear the filter, handle the click event of a button and use the removeFilter method of the BaseFilterCellComponent.

    public clearFilter() {
  5. Optionally, you can toggle the visibility of the button based on the applied filter with the *ngIf Angular directive.

    <button kendoButton *ngIf='clearButton' ...></button>

The following example shows the full implementation of the described approach.

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