I'm creating some test and i have to test the "Save as/Save" feature of my program, a simple text Editor for some training with TestStudio.
I can use successfully OpenFile Dialog to open a File or Save an existing file with test Studio but when i'm not using it i can save and use the save Dialogin my program.
But when i'm recording, the Save as Dialog create a "Handle generic dialog" step and when i'm executing the test,nothing happens, i'ts not creating a new file as expected.
And when i changed this step by a "Save Dialog" ,and i try to use it like an "OpenFile" dialog and it doesn't worked. It's like the test is unable to access the Dialog window.
This is the log
: Overall Result: Fail
'30/06/2017 10:34:23' - Executing test: 'TestWord', path: 'TestWord.tstest.'
'30/06/2017 10:34:23' - Using .Net Runtime version: '4.0.30319.42000' for test execution. Build version is '2017.2.530.0'.
'30/06/2017 10:34:23' - Starting execution....
'30/06/2017 10:34:29' - Using 'C:\Users\Everdyn\Documents\Stage Ludovic\WPF\EntrainementOuverture\EntrainementOuverture\bin\Debug\EntrainementOuverture.exe' application.
'30/06/2017 10:34:31' - 'Pass' : 1. LeftClick on Item0Textboxview
'30/06/2017 10:34:36' - 'Pass' : 2. Type 'Test d'écriture et de sauvegarde' into TxtEditorTextbox
'30/06/2017 10:34:37' - 'Pass' : 3. Desktop command: LeftClick on Item2Textblock
'30/06/2017 10:34:38' - 'Pass' : 4. Desktop command: LeftClick on Item4Textblock
'30/06/2017 10:34:38' - LOG: Unexpected dialog encountered. Taking no action.
'30/06/2017 10:34:48' - 'Fail' : 5. Handle 'SaveFile' dialog.
Failure Information:
Timed out waiting '10000' msec. for any dialog to be handled '1'
System.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting '10000' msec. for any dialog to be handled '1'
à ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.Dialogs.BaseDialog.WaitUntilAnyHandled(IEnumerable`1 dialogs, Int32 handleCount, Int64 timeoutMilliseconds, Boolean resetHandleCount)
à ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser)
à ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.DialogHandlerDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost browser)
à ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order)
'30/06/2017 10:34:48' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=False' aborting test execution.
'30/06/2017 10:34:48' - Overall Result: Fail
'30/06/2017 10:34:48' - Duration: [0 min: 19 sec: 258 msec]
'30/06/2017 10:34:51' - Test completed!
Can you help me? Do you need more information?
Thanks you
PS:I'm sorry if you have any problem for understand or if my grammar is awful, i'm french and explain my problem in English is not easy .