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Why doesn’t Fiddler AutoResponder playback the entire imported .SAZ file network traffic ?

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Fiddler Classic
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Antonio asked on 30 Apr 2015, 09:25 PM

I’m a newbie to Fiddler, and although I have watched many tutorial videos, read several web articles, and read the appropriate sections in the latest book Debugging with Fiddler, Second Edition, I’m stuck …

Perhaps, I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how AutoResponder playback is suppose to work, but I can’t seem to get it to playback the entire imported .SAZ file network traffic …

To keep things simple, just so I can wrap my head around how AutoResponder playback works, I’m using the Fiddler Sandbox to create a .SAZ file, as follows:

1. Start Fiddler

2. Click Edit > Remove > All Sessions, to remove any captured sessions
3. Click Tools > Clear WinINIT Cache, to clear IE cache
4. Click Tools > Clear WinINIT Cookies, to clear IE cookies
5. Click Tools > Sandbox, to start IE and connect to webpage
6. Click Shopping cart example link under Sandboxes, which takes me to the webpage
7. Exit IE
8. Click File > Save > All Sessions, to save the captured network traffic and create a .SAZ file called Sandbox_Playback_Test.saz

Now I try to playback this saved .SAZ file in AutoResponder, as follows:


1. Click Edit > Remove > All Sessions, to remove previously captured sessions
2. Click Tools > Clear WinINIT Cache, to clear IE cache
3. Click Tools > Clear WinINIT Cookies, to clear IE cookies
4. Click AutoResponder tab
5. Select Enable automatic responses, Unmatched requests passthrough, and Enable Latency checkboxes
6. Click Import button, and select the Sandbox_Playback_Test.saz as SAZ for Playback type file
7. On the top URL, Right-Click and select Open URL…
8. AutoResponder opens IE at the webpage then stops

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t the AutoResponder playback continue to the webpage??

In any case, I have tried the above scenario in both my physical machine running Windows 8 with Fiddler Web Debugger (v4.5.1.0) Built: April 23, 2015, and a virtual machine running Windows 7 with Fiddler Web Debugger (v4.5.1.0) Built: April 23, 2015, and both yield the same result.

Please enlighten me as to whether I’m doing something wrong or Fiddler AutoResponder is working as designed…

Many thanks,


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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 01 May 2015, 04:17 PM
Hi, Antonio--

The Fiddler AutoResponder automatically returns previously-captured traffic in response to requests from clients. The AutoResponder does not generate those requests, it merely responds to them.

So, if you want Fiddler to respond to requests from the /shop/ page, you should click on that link in your browser, and you'll find that the requests are answered by Fiddler's AutoResponder.

Eric Lawrence

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Fiddler Classic
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Eric Lawrence
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