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UWP RadCartesianChart LineSeries problems

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Balaji asked on 26 Jul 2018, 12:26 PM


I am  using the Telerik UI for UWP and my application consists of animated line charts that will be constantly updated and I am having 2 problems on using the lineseries to plot charts.


1. The CPU consumption is too high.

My app consumes 2% without charts and 20% with the charts. I am guessing this is because the library does not use DirectX support? because I can see the app consumes no GPU at all. Please let me know if anything can be done to reduce CPU consumption


2.  In my application I have a button that opens the graph. if I open the graph the first time, everything works. But if I close it and open it again the application crashes.


Please let me know if I have missed something in implementing the library



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answered on 27 Jul 2018, 12:24 PM
Hi Balaji,

Thank you for the provided description of the issue you have observed.

1. CPU consumption
When the chart is animated and constantly updated it is normal the CPU consumption to be higher. In order to reduce the CPU consumption you can set the ShowLabel property on the Axis to false or you can increase the time of the interval which updates the chart lines. 

2. Exception occurs in Chart control
I will need more details or sample code which will help me reproduce and investigate the issue. In addition, you could check whether the exception observed by you is the same as the exception reported to the UI for UWP issues page here:

Looking forward to your reply.

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