I've been unable to connect to any website from my browsers suddenly few days ago. But other connection okay (ping/email/ftp/etc). At that point of time, I still do not install Fiddler
So I downloaded, install and start Fiddler to check what happen to the packet when I'm browsing.
To my surprise, when I start Fiddler, I am able to browse again. So, I suspect, my OS is blocking my connection. So, when I start FIddler, the packet is being routed by Fiddler to its tunnel and I can connect to website again
So, basically I have no problem with Fiddler, in fact Fiddler help me conclude that my own laptop block my connection to website.
However, I just need your help to teach me, how to know, at which configuration in Windows, that it block my connection. Can you give me any guideline or hint. (When I refer to WIndows Firewall rule, I am unable to eyeball any obvious rule that block connection to website)
Great thanks in advance for your help!!
You could check the following threads for some of the possible reasons why your requests might be working with Fiddler (but not working with Fiddler off)