Site not encrypted with Fiddler

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ss asked on 26 Jun 2023, 10:24 AM

I have tried all the methods on this website, but I am unable to intercept HTTPS. Please help me.


url :    

Attempting to refresh using F5 will prompt: Sorry, you have been blocked

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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 26 Jun 2023, 10:33 AM

Hello SS,


Can you please elaborate more and, if possible, provide specific steps and the captured sessions (az SAZ files)? Loading the linked file through Fiddler Everywhere works as expected on our side (refer to the screenshot below), so please let us know if we are missing a specific step or action that can help us reproduce the issue.


Nick Iliev
Progress Telerik

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Fiddler Everywhere
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Nick Iliev
Telerik team
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