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Not picking up all traffic that wireshark does

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Spendon asked on 20 Mar 2016, 01:34 AM



I've recently been trying to get Fiddler to pick up traffic for my new app, hower it's failing!

Wireshark can pick the traffic up completely fine.


I am trying to pick up http traffic from port 8180, i attached pcap of the packets its failing to obtain.


Yes, i am using latest version, no filters/rules is enabled. Yes, it picks up other traffic.


Packet that it fails:

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Tsviatko Yovtchev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Mar 2016, 03:59 PM

Does your new app respect the system proxy configuration? Fiddler is a proxy while Wireshark works directly with your network hardware and that is why you might be seeing this difference.

Tsviatko Yovtchev
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Tsviatko Yovtchev
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