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Mitanjo asked on 21 Dec 2015, 09:04 AM

Hi everyone,

    I have implemented the code seen (in C#) library,

I used the FiddlerCore4.dll,provided by installing fiddlercoreapisetup.exe;

When I launch the application, I can see an error (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) on my browser (Chrome);

I have already tried to figure out by adding a certificate ( but the error always occurs.




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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 21 Dec 2015, 06:49 PM
Hi, Mitanjo--

Unfortunately, you haven't really provided enough detail to go on. FiddlerCore can be used with all browsers and the certificates it generates can be trusted by browsers. 

You haven't said which certificate generator you're using? 

The FAQ page in question was written by a third-party and it's misleading at best. You should instead look at the Program.cs demo code that comes with the FiddlerCore installer. Specifically, you'll usually want to call:


But if you're using the CertMaker addon you'll also need to ensure that you cache the root certificate and reuse it on subsequent invocations of your program; see for details.

Eric Lawrence
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Eric Lawrence
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