I am using Microsoft Message Analyzer, and want to use SSL decryption, but I'm unsure how the licensing works? I am not developing an application that would be using the APIs, I am using an application that requires them.
Do I need a corporate license to use FiddlerCore with Microsoft Message Analzyer?
4 Answers, 1 is accepted
This is a great question; unfortunately, Microsoft has made things complicated here and it may be helpful if you reach out to them specifically and ask them the same question.
Microsoft does not have a license to use the current version of FiddlerCore within their Message Analyzer application and they should have obtained one before distributing a product that depends on it.
Eric Lawrence

Thanks, Eric.
I've posted this on the Message Analyzer fourms, but judging by your response I'm sure this isn't going to be a simple yes/no answer :|

Looks like upgrading to Windows 10 is my best option... But just an fyi, here is the response I got.
Message Analyzer uses the FiddlerCore API to capture the decrypted packets. However we don't distribute the component and instead leave that up to you to decide The license info is here:
BTW, in Windows 10 we have a new HTTPS Direct driver. We've included scenarios in Message Analyzer to use this new component which provides some of the same functionality that Fiddler does.
Thanks. Our legal folks will be giving Microsoft's legal folks a call.
Eric Lawrence