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Inspectors TextView does not show for POST with OPTIONS

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Randy asked on 02 Nov 2015, 03:01 PM


I have a web application that sends an XML POST from the browser and I am using Fiddler to capture the body of the XML being sent out to ensure that the proper information is being sent from the application. I can see the POST to localhost:12345 captured in Fiddler, but when my co-worker clicks on the TextView tab in the Inspectors it is empty. This works fine on my machine and I am able to view the XML information in the TextView tab. This also works as expected for some of my other co-workers so it seems to be something specific with her machine that is interfering with the ​request. I observe this behavior whether she is connected to VPN or in the office using the network directly it doesn't appear to be an issue with the VPN.

We are using IE to view this information and my co-workers and I are using versions 10 and 11. I have looked at both setups (on my machine and my co-worker) and they are identical. Settings in my Connections tab for Fiddler Options are set to port 8888, allow remote computers to connect, reuse client connections, reuse server connections, act as a system proxy on startup, monitor all connections and <-loopback>; as a bypass for Fiddler. I tried to remove the loopback on my co-worker's machine but that did not resolve the issue. The gateway is set to use system proxy and HTTPS is set to capture and decrypt for all processes.

I have also had her try running Fiddler as an Admin and tried disabling the anti-virus programming we have on our company-issued laptops but neither of those seemed to have worked. Is there something else I'm missing here? Thanks.


Best Regards,


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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 02 Nov 2015, 05:18 PM
Hello, Randy--

It would be helpful for you to send a SAZ file (File > Save All Sessions) showing the traffic so that we can better understand what you're seeing. You can email this file to us by clicking Help > Send Feedback in Fiddler.

When a browser is performing a cross-origin request, it first sends a CORS "pre-flight" request to ensure that the target site wishes to accept the POST. The pre-flight request uses the OPTIONS method and the request body is empty. Only if the server responds with appropriate Access-Control-Allow- headers does the browser then perform the POST and send the request body data.

Eric Lawrence
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answered on 02 Nov 2015, 05:51 PM

Hi Eric,

Thank you for your response. I have two sets of saz files, one from my computer which seems to work fine and the other from my co-worker. What might cause CORS to respond differently for me versus my co-worker when we are both using the same browser and hitting the same server address calling the same block of code?




Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 02 Nov 2015, 07:22 PM
Hi, Randy-- If you can forward them along, I'd be happy to have a look.

I can't tell if you're saying that only the OPTIONS request body is blank or if the POST requests' bodies are blank too? If the latter, what is the Content-Length header on the POST request where the body is missing? Have you seen this problem in other browsers (specifically Chrome) or only IE?

Historically, IE has had a number of bugs whereby it may send an empty POST body (e.g. this one) and both IE10 and IE11 have had bugs in this area. Your colleague may wish to look at the Help > About version screen in IE to verify all of the latest patches are installed.

Eric Lawrence
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answered on 02 Nov 2015, 09:13 PM

Hi Eric,

The POST's request body is blank. Interestingly, I see the same behavior in Chrome as my colleague sees in IE and I have configured Chrome to capture localhost. I did send in the saz files from Help > Send Feedback in Fiddler, did you want me to forward them to you specifically? My colleague's IE is up to date with the latest patches.



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answered on 02 Nov 2015, 09:23 PM
Sorry, I just realized that I didn't answer your other question. When the POST's body is blank, the Content-Length is 0.
Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 02 Nov 2015, 09:23 PM
Hello, Randy--

I replied by email at 13:47 CST; to ensure the privacy of your SAZ file and its Urls, I won't answer further here unless you want me to.

Eric Lawrence
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answered on 02 Nov 2015, 09:51 PM

Hi Eric,

As mentioned in my email reply, setting the Access Data Sources Across Domains to Enable allowed my colleague to view the request body as necessary. Thank you! I know this ​may not be ideal, but this is necessary for us to prove to the customer that the proper information is being passed to our customer's in-house application for label printing. Thank you again for your time and thorough explanations!

Best Regards,


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Eric Lawrence
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