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HTTPS not working for someapplications

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Roman asked on 11 Dec 2015, 09:26 PM

I use Fiddler4 with Proxifier on Windows10, HTTPS decrypt is turned on. Https requests from some application are not working. Applications do request but not receive any responce (i suggest). In Fiddler web log I see "Tunnel to <some ip>:443. Inspector log says: "A SSLv3-compatible ClientHello handshake was found. Fiddler extracted the parameters below.", but responce body is empty. If I switch HTTPS decryption off responces appear. But I need to decrypt some https traffic, please help.

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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 11 Dec 2015, 10:15 PM
Hi, Roman--

I'm not sure what Proxifier is or why you're using it, but it's likely that this is causing the problem described.

What applications, specifically, are you trying to intercept?

Please have a look at for some background about how HTTPS traffic flows through proxy servers.

Eric Lawrence
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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
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