how to use fiddlerCore for capturing ftp traffic

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s asked on 17 Oct 2022, 12:43 PM

I am using fiddlerCore to capture ftp traffic, and i used the "CaptureFTP()" setting and "RegisterAsSystemProxy()" setting.

But when i use Winscp application with fiddlerCore's proxy to connect ftp server,it did not work,and connect failed. 

how dose fiddlerCore's ftp proxy work? how to use it?


Nick Iliev
Telerik team
commented on 18 Oct 2022, 06:16 AM

Not familiar with the WinSCP tool, but based on the documentation, you should try to explicitly set the proxy to point to the Fiddler proxy (as the tool does not use automatic proxy detection). The documentation also claims that localhost FTP connections are not proxied, which might also cause a problem.


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