I have a hierachygrid implemented, in the childgrid i have four columns, the last column I have provided a button, upon clicking the button the user will be prompted with a messagebox. if the user click OK in the message box the row should get deleted. how can i achieve this functionality?
Three things required
1) upon the click of the delete button the row should get selected
2) upon clicking the messagebox button (Ok), the row should be deleted from childgrid. I have implemented the messagebox. now upon clicking it should delete the row from the childgrid?
3) is there any MessageBox wiht YES and NO button in telerik package?
Please advice.
I have a hierachygrid implemented, in the childgrid i have four columns, the last column I have provided a button, upon clicking the button the user will be prompted with a messagebox. if the user click OK in the message box the row should get deleted. how can i achieve this functionality?
Three things required
1) upon the click of the delete button the row should get selected
2) upon clicking the messagebox button (Ok), the row should be deleted from childgrid. I have implemented the messagebox. now upon clicking it should delete the row from the childgrid?
3) is there any MessageBox wiht YES and NO button in telerik package?
Please advice.