I want to automate the download of a file in a website that requires authentication.
I've used Fiddler to look at the authentication method and to find out the url and parameters to download the file I need.
I manage to call via Postman a first POST that gives me a token (using basic authentication), but then, when I try to call the GET url, it says I am not connected but I cannot find out the authentication method (I can see no WWW-Authenticate header in the previous calls made when sniffing with Fiddler).
How can I know the authentication method needed for the download, where can I find this info on Fiddler ? (I have tried to pass the token via Bearer Token method and setting the token retrieve from my first POST call but that doesn't work (401/Unauthorized). Can it be via cookies ? If so, How can I build the right cookie and pass it to my GET request ?
Thanks in advance,