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Fiddler isn't working on windows 10

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vyiihczi asked on 31 Oct 2015, 07:30 PM


I downloaded the most new version of Fiddler.

When I start it and enable "capture traffic" option, I can't surf the internet, and there is no capturing.

Heres the image of the message I get on firefox:

Same on chrome and edge.

Why its happening?



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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 02 Nov 2015, 05:32 PM

The most common reason this happens (particularly when it occurs in multiple browsers, and just after you upgraded) is that you have a 3rd party firewall product installed and that firewall is blocking all connections to Fiddler. You'll need to configure your firewall to allow access to Fiddler.

rare reason this happens is if you have a Windows Phone device plugged into your PC via USB. The Windows Phone team chose port 8888 as their debug port, which prevents traffic from going to Fiddler when the phone is attached. You can resolve this problem by configuring Fiddler to run on a different port.

Eric Lawrence
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Eric Lawrence
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