since tonight (nothing changed on my Side I believe), randomly some Websites stopped to appear on Fiddler Everywhere MacOS in Capture Mode.
When I surf around / facebook / mmo-champion etc. (just example pages) they appear as Connect Tunnel opened but no content is seen.
So the Websites no longer get shown in the Traffic Window, just the Connect Tunnels.
I tried to uninstall Fiddler Everywhere, Resetting Configs by removing the Transprancy Proxy from MacOS but nothing seems to help, is there any instance I can check, why some websites randomly disappear and not coming back on MacOS?
Do I need to "listen" on more Ports or so?
Is there any plan to caputre them in the future maybe with experimental Feature as well?
Last news I had was, that its hard for Telerik since you guys rely on some libaries? But maybe you can go in and try to add it :)
Imagine the power of UDP Traffic anylize as well.