I have tried to run code and output log messages from OnWebSocketMessage() and OnBeforeResponse() but its not being apparently executed and no messages are in Log tab at all... so it just seems like its not even executing script file
Thanks for response... could there be a Proxy issue then? I still not getting anything from script file. I am able to see HTTP(s) traffic...
Nick Iliev
Telerik team
commented on 02 Sep 2022, 08:49 AM
Given that you can capture HTTPS traffic indicates that the proxy is working as expected. Check if you have active filters or if custom logic in the mentioned events (OnBeforeResponse & OnWebSocketMessage) prevents reaching the code you expect to execute. Ensure that you save your changes to the FiddlerScript file while using the Save button after introducing the code changes.
You could test the execution with the most basic example:
static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) {
FiddlerObject.log(">>>>>>>>>>>> URL:" + oSession.fullUrl);