Fiddler Classic Cert Maker is making expired certificates

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Fiddler Classic
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Rick asked on 06 Mar 2022, 09:34 PM
Newly created certs are expiring on the 22/1/22
Any suggestions?

Telerik team
commented on 07 Mar 2022, 03:50 PM


In order to help you, I'll need to gather a bit more information. Can you tell me which Certificate Maker are you currently using? You can check that from "Tools > Options > HTTPS > Certificates are generated by ....". Are you using the default CertEnroll engine or are you using something else? Alternatively, there might be a preference setting, which is altering the certificates validity period. Can you type "about:config" in QuickExec and take a scееnshot of your preferences and attach it here?

Alternative solution to download and install the Bouncy Castle Cert Maker plugin from here: It's under the name "CertMaker for iOS and Android". Once you install, the issue should be resolved.

RegardsZhivko Progress Telerik

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commented on 09 Mar 2022, 07:33 PM

Thankyou for your response. I instead went and arranged a purchase of fiddler everywhere which works perfectly.
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commented on 19 Jul 2022, 11:26 PM

Bouncy Castle - "CertMaker for iOS and Android" plugin worked perfectly for me. I'm on Windows using Chrome and Edge. Thanks.
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commented on 12 Sep 2023, 02:47 PM

Tools -> Options -> HTTPS -> Actions -> Reset All certificates

After a series of pop-ups, a new root cert is generated that has a future expiry date.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

Fiddler Classic
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