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Fiddler Can not capture instagram andoid app

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Koray asked on 09 Nov 2015, 09:53 AM


I am trying to capture the traffic of​ instagram android app, I tried it Andy emulator then real device both of them failed.

I set proxy manually and I can capture data browser http,https there is no problem when capturing browser.

But I cant sniff my twitter android app traffic. I tried drony and proxydroid but couldn't sniff any data.

there is no certiface error even I can sniff all htttps data on browser. Instagram doesn't send any data to fiddler.

 How can I solve this problem ?

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answered on 09 Nov 2015, 09:56 AM
instagram and twitter ​don't send any data to fiddler. When I try to sniff from Iphone there is no problem I can capture all data from iphone. But android doesn't work can you help me about it ?
Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 09 Nov 2015, 05:53 PM
If a client application does not properly respect the system proxy settings, there's not much Fiddler can do. I know that some users have successfully used ipTables or other tricks on jailbroken devices to force traffic through Fiddler.

Having said that, I know that the Twitter app uses Certificate Pinning, so even if you do get its traffic through Fiddler, you must also use another tool on the jailbroken device to circumvent the certificate pinning mechanism.

Eric Lawrence
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answered on 10 Nov 2015, 04:28 PM

Hello Eric,

Thank you for your answer. I tried drony, proxy droid , Sandraproxy tools in my andy rooted android emulator. But I couldn't get traffic in twitter or instagram application. I tried everything and finally I'm going to be crazy:) Can you share any article which you believe work. Or Do you have any advice for solve this problem ?

Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 10 Nov 2015, 11:48 PM
Hi, Koray--

I've already shared what others have suggested worked for them (with real devices); I unfortunately haven't tried either of these scenarios myself and thus can't offer any further advice.

Eric Lawrence
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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
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