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Fiddler Activity Remote Viewer?

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Fiddler Classic
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Rodney asked on 17 Nov 2015, 10:57 PM

I have a teacher that wants to see activity on their ipads live while in class to bust kids not doing what they are supposed to.  Is there a remote viewer?  Or do I have to let the teacher remote into the server? (scary)



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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 18 Nov 2015, 05:17 PM
Hello, Rodney--

I'm not entirely sure I understand the setup-- if you've got a bunch of iPads pointed at a Fiddler instance, then that Fiddler instance will show the traffic from those iPads. But it won't show what's actually happening on the iPad (e.g. if someone is playing a game, or whatever, that isn't generating web traffic). 

If you're saying: "Is there a way to see the Fiddler Web Sessions list in a browser rather than in the Windows client" -- there's no built-in mechanism for this, although such a solution could be built. A more common solution would be to build an application atop FiddlerCore, and have that FiddlerCore application expose a HTML-based UI that the "Administrator" could view using any web browser.

Eric Lawrence
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Fiddler Classic
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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
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