How can i customize the color of doughnut chart? I want to have only 2 colors (red, green). This is to display the stock health of the items. If item <QtyOnHand the color of doughnut is red otherwise the color is green. The code below doesnt make a doughnut chart, its just a circle filled by color green or red. I also attach screenshot of the chart.
Dim doughnutSeries As New DataSeries() |
doughnutSeries.Definition = New DoughnutSeriesDefinition() |
doughnutSeries.Definition.ShowItemToolTips = True |
doughnutSeries.Definition.ShowItemLabels = False |
doughnutSeries.Definition.ItemStyle = TryCast(Me.Resources("CustomDoughnut"), Style) |
Me.FillWithSalesData(doughnutSeries) |
ChartStockHealth.DataSeries.Add(doughnutSeries) |
Public Function GetSalesData() As List(Of StockViewModel)
Dim salesData As List(Of StockViewModel)
Dim sales As New List(Of Stock)()
Dim StockStatus As XDocument
StockStatus = XDocument.Load(
"XML/StockStatus.XML", LoadOptions.SetBaseUri)
Dim Items = From Stock In StockStatus.Descendants("Item") _
Select Value = Stock.Element("Value").Value, _
Name = Stock.Element(
For index As Integer = 0 To Items.Count - 1
New Stock(Items(index).Value, Items(index).Name))
salesData = New List(Of StockViewModel)()
For Each sale As Stock In sales
New StockViewModel(sale))
Return salesData
Private Sub FillWithSalesData(ByVal series As DataSeries) |
For Each item As StockViewModel In Me.GetSalesData() |
Dim point As New DataPoint() |
point.YValue = item.StockStatus.Health |
point.XCategory = "" |
point.DataItem = item |
series.Add(point) |
Next |
End Sub |
Class StockModelView.Vb
Imports System.ComponentModel |
Imports System.Windows.Media |
Public Class StockViewModel |
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged |
Private _stock As Stock |
Public Property StockStatus() As Stock |
Get |
Return _stock |
End Get |
Private Set(ByVal value As Stock) |
_stock = value |
End Set |
End Property |
Private _stockHealthColor As Brush |
Public Property StockHealthColor() As Brush |
Get |
Return _stockHealthColor |
End Get |
Private Set(ByVal value As Brush) |
_stockHealthColor = value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Sub New(ByVal stock As Stock) |
Me.StockStatus = stock |
AddHandler stock.PropertyChanged, AddressOf HandleCashDataPropertyChanged |
Me.UpdateStockColor() |
End Sub |
Private Sub HandleCashDataPropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) |
If e.PropertyName = "Stock" Then |
Me.UpdateStockColor() |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Sub UpdateStockColor() |
If Me.StockStatus.Health <= 0 Then |
Me.StockHealthColor = Me.CreateBrush("#FFFF3D40") |
Else |
Me.StockHealthColor = Me.CreateBrush("#FF1CD64D") |
End If |
Me.OnPropertyChanged("StockHealthColor") |
End Sub |
Private Function CreateBrush(ByVal color As String) As Brush |
Return New SolidColorBrush(Me.GetColorFromHexString(color)) |
End Function |
Private Function GetColorFromHexString(ByVal s As String) As Color |
s = s.Replace("#", String.Empty) |
Dim a As Byte = System.Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(0, 2), 16) |
Dim r As Byte = System.Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(2, 2), 16) |
Dim g As Byte = System.Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(4, 2), 16) |
Dim b As Byte = System.Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(6, 2), 16) |
Return Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b) |
End Function |
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged |
Protected Overridable Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String) |
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)) |
End Sub |
End Class |
Class Stock.Vb
Imports System.ComponentModel |
Imports System.Windows.Media |
Public Class Stock |
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged |
Private _stock As Double |
Private _outlet As String |
Public Property Health() As Double |
Get |
Return Me._stock |
End Get |
Set(ByVal value As Double) |
Me._stock = value |
Me.OnPropertyChanged("Stock") |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property Outlet() As String |
Get |
Return Me._outlet |
End Get |
Set(ByVal value As String) |
Me._outlet = value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Sub New(ByVal stock As Double, ByVal outlet As String) |
Me.Health = stock |
Me.Outlet = outlet |
End Sub |
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged |
Protected Overridable Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String) |
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)) |
End Sub |
End Class |
Style of Chart
<Style TargetType="telerikCharting:Doughnut" x:Name="CustomDoughnut"> |
<Setter Property="Template" > |
<Setter.Value> |
<ControlTemplate TargetType="telerikCharting:Doughnut"> |
<Canvas> |
<Path x:Name="PART_DefiningGeometry" |
Data="{TemplateBinding FigurePath2}" |
Style="{TemplateBinding ItemStyle}"/> |
<Ellipse |
Fill="{Binding DataItem.StockHealthColor}" |
Width="{TemplateBinding ItemActualWidth}" |
Height="{TemplateBinding ItemActualHeight}" |
/> |
<telerikCharting:SeriesItemLabel x:Name="PART_SeriesItemLabel" |
Content="{TemplateBinding SeriesItemLabelText}" |
Visibility="{TemplateBinding SeriesItemLabelVisibility}" |
Style="{TemplateBinding SeriesItemLabelStyle}"/> |
<Canvas.RenderTransform> |
<ScaleTransform x:Name="PART_AnimationTransform" ScaleX="0" ScaleY="0" /> |
</Canvas.RenderTransform> |
</Canvas> |
</ControlTemplate> |
</Setter.Value> |
</Setter> |
</Style> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
<StockHealth> |
<Caption>Stock Health</Caption> |
<SubCaption>7/01/2009-7/31/2009</SubCaption> |
<Decimals>2</Decimals> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM Megamall</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM Mall of Asia</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Robinsons Galleria</Name> |
<Value>5</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Grand Central</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Robinsons Ermita</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM City Manila</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM City San Lazaro</Name> |
<Value>3</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Taft Avenue</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Dela Rosa</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Delco</Name> |
<Value>17</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Glorietta 3</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Market Market</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Greenhills Shopping Center</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Trinoma</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM Centerpoint</Name> |
<Value>10</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM City Annex</Name> |
<Value>10</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM City North Edsa</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>SM City Fairview</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Quezon Avenue</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
<Item> |
<Name>Katipunan</Name> |
<Value>0</Value> |
</Item> |
</StockHealth> |