I am using MBunit tests for UI automation. My test involves clicking on OK button on a confirm dialog. The test work fine when executed individually. But if i run multiple tests in a class where few other tests are executed before the test involving confirm dialog, the dialog is not handled:
I have tried following option:
1. confirmDialog = new ConfirmDialog(ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.OK);
3. Manager.Desktop.KeyBoard.KeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter);
But none is working in batch, however they all are working fine if test is executed alone. Please guide if there is any other was to handle dialogs.
10 Answers, 1 is accepted
It sounds like you did not remove the first dialog from the Monitor:
ConfirmDialog cd = ConfirmDialog.CreateConfirmDialog(ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.OK);
ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser frSub = ActiveBrowser.Frames[
HtmlInputButton show = frSub.Find.ByExpression<HtmlInputButton>(
"value=Show a confirm box"
If you continue to have difficulty, please provide the full code for two tests that demonstrate the behavior. Regards,
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.
There is only one dialog involved in all tests. Please find the code below. The problem is that the code works fine when this is the first test to be executed. If followed by any other tests, it fails. Please let me know if there is a way to click on OK button through keyboard events.
class e_Cancel : BaseTest
public void MyTestInitialize()
public void MyTestCleanUp()
public void FixtureCleanup()
private Pages _pages;
public Pages Pages
if (_pages == null)
_pages = new Pages(Manager.Current);
return _pages;
Pages Pages = new Pages(Manager);
// Navigate to : 'http://wid046:555/sites/t1'
ConfirmDialog cd = ConfirmDialog.CreateConfirmDialog(ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.OK);
// Click 'WINSHUTTLESpan'
// Click 'PlaceHolderMainHlnManageScheduledJobsLink'
HtmlAnchor file = Pages.ManageScheduledJobs0.Find.ByContent<HtmlAnchor>("http://wid046:555/sites/t1/DataFiles/testfileAPCancel1.xlsx");
HtmlTableRow row = file.Parent<HtmlTableRow>();
HtmlInputCheckBox chkbox = row.Find.ByAttributes<HtmlInputCheckBox>("id=~_chkDelete", "type=checkbox");
chkbox.Check(true, true);
Pages.ManageScheduledJobs0.PlaceHolderMainLblMessageSpan.AssertContent().TextContent(ArtOfTest.Common.StringCompareType.Contains, "Jobs deleted successfully.");
The code looks good. How does the test fail? What specific error or exception do you get? What line of code does it point to?
The line of code you mentioned in point three of your original post is the correct way to invoke the Enter key, however we don't recommend using that to handle dialogs.
You might try inserting an additional line of code at the beginning of the test. It's possible the UnexpectedDialogAction setting is interfering. You can set that to DoNotHandle to explicitly handle all dialogs yourself:
Manager.Settings.UnexpectedDialogAction = UnexpectedDialogAction.DoNotHandle;
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.
The dialog opens and gets closed automatically. No exception or error is generated, the script fails when it couldnt find the element mentioned in next step.
Even keypress is not working. I have also tried with
Manager.Settings.UnexpectedDialogAction = UnexpectedDialogAction.DoNotHandle;
But still the same issue, works alone, not in batch even when all setup and teardown functions are called again.
I saw similar behavior in my testing with dialog handling in an MbUnit test, although it is slightly different from what you're experiencing.
- When running two MbUnit tests (one of which handles dialogs) in Visual Studio, it worked as expected.
- When loading the MbUnit dialog test and running it with the Gallio Icarus test runner, the dialog was not handled. I believe this to be a bug and filed a report for it. You can track the PITS Issue here: Public URL.
Unfortunately I don't have a work-around to offer you in the meantime.
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.
private static ConfirmDialog confirmdialog;
private static SaveAsDialog savedialog;
public static void Setup()
_testManager = new Manager(new Settings());
_isLoggedIn = false;
Settings.Current.Web.EnableSilverlight = true;
Settings.Current.Web.RecycleBrowser = true;
Settings.Current.Web.DefaultBrowser = BrowserType.InternetExplorer;
Settings.Current.ClientReadyTimeout = 50000;
Settings.Current.ExecuteCommandTimeout = 60000;
Settings.Current.ExecutionDelay = 100;
Settings.Current.WaitCheckInterval = 500;
Settings.Current.SimulatedMouseMoveSpeed = 0.5f;
Settings.Current.Web.EnableUILessRequestViewing = false;
Settings.Current.QueryEventLogErrorsOnExit = false;
Settings.Current.Web.EnableScriptLogging = false;
Settings.Current.AnnotateExecution = true;
Settings.Current.AnnotationMode = AnnotationMode.All;
Settings.Current.Web.LocalWebServer = LocalWebServerType.None;
_app = _testManager.ActiveBrowser.SilverlightApps()[0];
dlg = new ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.Dialogs.GenericDialog(_testManager.ActiveBrowser, "", true);
savedialog = SaveAsDialog.CreateSaveAsDialog(_testManager.ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.SAVE, _reportPathAndFileName, _testManager.Desktop);
confirmdialog = ConfirmDialog.CreateConfirmDialog(_testManager.ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.YES);
dlg.HandlerDelegate = new ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.Dialogs.DialogHandlerDelegate(d =>
ArtOfTest.Common.Win32.Window okButton = ArtOfTest.Common.Win32.WindowManager.FindWindowRecursively(d.Window.Handle, "OK", false, 0);
ArtOfTest.Common.Win32.Window saveButton = ArtOfTest.Common.Win32.WindowManager.FindWindowRecursively(d.Window.Handle, "Save As", false, 0);
ArtOfTest.Common.Win32.Window confirmButton = ArtOfTest.Common.Win32.WindowManager.FindWindowRecursively(d.Window.Handle, "Yes", true, 1000);
_lastDialogTitle = d.Window.Caption;
var dd = d.Window.Handle;
if (okButton != null)
_testManager.Desktop.Mouse.Click(MouseClickType.LeftClick, okButton.Rectangle);
else if (saveButton != null)
_testManager.Desktop.Mouse.Click(MouseClickType.LeftClick, saveButton.Rectangle);
else if (confirmButton != null)
_testManager.Desktop.Mouse.Click(MouseClickType.LeftClick, confirmButton.Rectangle);
confirmdialog.HandleCount = 1000;
The bit that really got me was getting the Confirm button handle event to trigger. This was done by incrementing the Handle Count.
The bit of code calling this stuff was
// save the report to a loc
//Wait until handled
confirmdialog.WaitUntilHandled(); (THIS NEVER FINISHED) until I fix with handle count
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and code.
We appreciate it.
Boyan Boev
Test Studio Trainings
Hi Anthony,
I know this is an old thread, but I am having the same issue.
I tried adding
Manager.Settings.UnexpectedDialogAction = UnexpectedDialogAction.DoNotHandle;
to me code, but it did not help.
The step builder's 'Handle Confirm Dialog' does handle the dialog, but I need to have it myself, as it may not always occur.
I've tried..
public void initAlertCapture()
Manager.Settings.UnexpectedDialogAction = UnexpectedDialogAction.DoNotHandle;
confirmDialog = ConfirmDialog.CreateConfirmDialog(ActiveBrowser, DialogButton.OK);
confirmDialog.HandlerDelegate = new DialogHandlerDelegate(PrivilegeAlertHandler);
public void PrivilegeAlertHandler(IDialog dialog)
// Simply close the dialog
I am currently using version 2016.3.9.28.
I am closing this as it is a duplicate of your support ticket which is resolved now.
Thank you again!
Boyan Boev
Telerik by Progress
Test Studio Trainings