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capture traffic not working with all programs

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Fiddler Classic
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MOHAMMAD asked on 16 May 2015, 10:39 AM


i really like fiddler and the rich features of it , the only feature that i think is not effecient is the capture traffic option, yes, it does capture the traffic of some programs but not every single program, so for these programs i use httpdebugger which capture traffic from every single program that is using http or https but it's not rich in features as fiddler, so if you could improve the capture traffic and use the same technique the http debugger use (what ever it is) that would be appreciated

 examples  of the programs the fiddler doesn't capture their traffic

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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 16 May 2015, 11:46 PM
Fiddler is a proxy server; on startup, it sets the Windows proxy configuration to point to itself. Applications that do not adopt the system proxy setting automatically are fairly rare and reasonably called "buggy."

Having said that, you can typically manually adjust the proxy settings in such programs such that their traffic is captured by Fiddler. For instance, in the first program you'd use the "use a single proxy" setting ( with a proxy address of port 8888. The "Elite Proxy switcher" program is itself some sort of proxy; it's not clear why you'd want to use Fiddler with it, but since the entire point of that product is to proxy your traffic through some form of remote proxy, it's entirely conceivable that they do not support local proxies (like Fiddler). Fiddler itself can direct your traffic to any remote proxy you like (via Tools > Fiddler Options > Gateways, or the X-OverrideGateway session flag).

Approaches undertaken by other products often involve unreliable "thunking" which is fragile and can cause applications to fail.

Eric Lawrence
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answered on 19 May 2015, 02:40 PM

First of all, thank you for your reply.

i know how fiddler works and how it captures http traffic from programs and that's why i thought that the mechanism of capturing traffic in httpdebugger is better than fidder's, because it captures traffic from all programs whether they are "buggy" or "rare" or well-programmed.

In fact, i work with sentry a lot and i really want to debug the traffic out of it, but, the problem with these kind of programs that they use "proxy list" to make an http request so you simply can't set the program to "use single proxy" because the program would lose one of it's great features which is "banning attackers"  so the only logical option would be using a debugger that uses a mechanism that doesn't rely on Windows proxy configuration which is httpdebugger but i really want the feature that  fiddler has.

so i thought i'd give you a suggestion to implement such an option in fiddler


Fiddler Classic
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Eric Lawrence
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