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Can't work with Fiddler and Hola(Geo app)

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Mali asked on 09 Aug 2015, 10:27 AM


I am from Israel and I need to do my test in other countries (Such as US, UK ....) therefore I used Hola(Geo app).

But when I using it I can't see the requests in fiddler.

Please advice me what I can do.



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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 10 Aug 2015, 05:14 PM
Hello, Mali--

The "GeoEdge" extension built into Fiddler is designed for exactly this scenario.

Most geo-extensions work by routing your traffic through their proxy servers in the target locales; in order for them to work properly with Fiddler, they need to allow you to send your traffic through Fiddler first before it is sent to the remote proxy server. You'll need to ask the providers of Hola whether this is a scenario that they support.

Eric Lawrence
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Eric Lawrence
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