I'm hoping you guys can shed some light on this even though I can't reproduce it in your online demo.
Bullets are turning into question marks. We are using the ribbon UI - if a user types a bullet list, the bullets look fine until they save. Immediately on clicking save the bullets turn to question marks. It is a mystery because the save button is bound to a command on our view model - it just saves the changes to the database. no transform whatsoever. I've read that certain fonts can cause the question marks, we are using verdana, calibri, arial - those have all done it.
Here's a little bit of code though I'm not sure it will help:
Bullets are turning into question marks. We are using the ribbon UI - if a user types a bullet list, the bullets look fine until they save. Immediately on clicking save the bullets turn to question marks. It is a mystery because the save button is bound to a command on our view model - it just saves the changes to the database. no transform whatsoever. I've read that certain fonts can cause the question marks, we are using verdana, calibri, arial - those have all done it.
Here's a little bit of code though I'm not sure it will help:
<telerikXaml:XamlDataProvider Name="xamlDataProvider" RichTextBox="{Binding ElementName=radRichTextBox1}" Xaml="{Binding Path=Document.Content, Mode=TwoWay}" />...
<telerik:RadRibbonButton CollapseToSmall="WhenGroupIsMedium" Command="{Binding Path=SaveCommand}" Size="Large" LargeImage="/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;component/Images/MSOffice/32/save.png" SmallImage="/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;component/Images/MSOffice/16/save.png" Text="Save" />...
SaveCommand = new DelegateCommand(Save, () => Document != null && SecurityClearance >= SecurityClearance.FullControl);
private void Save() { _repository.Save(OnSaveSuccess, RaiseException); }