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Fiddler Everywhere is delivered as an executable file extension (exe, dmg or app image) based on your selection of Windows, macOS or Linux.

Learn how to create an account to access and track network traffic with the “Get Started” resources below.


Your Fiddler Everywhere Download Includes:


Amplified web debugging proxy features for Windows, macOS or Linux.

Fiddler Everywhere Getting Started resources, including access to free training webinars, and a library of getting started videos.

Access to our active community forums and knowledge base.

Next Steps

Run the Fiddler Everywhere file to start the installation process. Then create your Fiddler account or opt to use an existing Google account.

Check your inbox! Open the confirmation email sent by Fiddler and follow the instructions to complete the registration.

Start capturing, inspecting, and modifying network traffic with Fiddler Everywhere—see the learning resources below.

Get the Most of Fiddler Everywhere with Our Learning Resources

There are many ways to start your Fiddler Everywhere journey. Choose yours from our selection of resources.

First Steps

Get Started with Fiddler Everywhere

Get up and running quickly with Fiddler Everywhere. Start with feature overview and then dive straight into an easy-to-follow demo of how you can debug HTTP(S) traffic.

Go to Videos

See the Docs, User Guides and Knowledge base

Go to Docs

Take advantage of on-demand webinars, designed to speed up your network debugging efforts to deliver better outcomes.

See the Webinars

How to Buy


When it comes to buying Fiddler Everywhere, you have options that work for companies large or small. From self-service to dealing with a dedicated sales rep, we have the support you need to get a licensed product in your hands quickly.

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