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February 01, 2012 Release
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Though the time since the last official release, Q3 2011, and today’s release of the next Q Beta is a month shorter than usual, I am happy to present you the early preview of the Q1 2012 version of Telerik’s Controls for ASP.NET AJAX. Thanks to the hard work of the AJAX team members, we were able to include all of the major features here in the Beta version. And as most of them have been highly requested by you for some time now, I am sure you are eager to get them. But let’s stop wasting time and see what’s really in the box:

Quick links: Play with the Beta Demos | Download the Beta | Check the full Release notes

Client-side binding for RadListViewRadListView now supports client-side binding with client-side HTML templates. The HTML templates are defined through the markup similarly to the server templates. jQuery is used for DOM operations.

See Demos

Expand/Collapse and Drag-and-drop for RadOrgChart – Added with the previous version of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, we continue with the important functionalities of the RadOrgChart. Now your users will have the ability to collapse and expand the hierarchical tree, and this is achieved with a single property. Or if you need to re-organize the current structure, you can just drag a single item, or a whole tree of items, and drop it wherever you like.

See Demos

Thumbnail Explorer Mode for RadFileExplorer – This feature offers a new way to display the files list in the selected folder resembling the Windows Explorer view. To enable the thumbnail explorer mode you need to set a single property. This mode is also the default one for the RadEditor Image Manager.

See Demos

Export to Excel and Column Resizing and Show/Hide for RadTreeListRadTreeList already provides the ability to export it to Pdf and from now on you will be able to export its data to Excel as well. And to make it more flexible and for better user experience, columns resizing and show/hide client-side functionalities are added to the RadTreeList features set. See Demos

New Format Sets drop down for RadEditor – These sets are used to apply formatting to elements and sections in the content of the editor. The format sets dropdown provided different groups. And you can add a custom format set directly through your markup. See Demos

To be getting regular updates on what’s new, subscribe to the ASP.NET AJAX Team blog feed, or keep an eye on it frequently. In the upcoming days the AJAX developers will blog about each of the new features in details and share interesting tips with you.

And last but not least, don’t forget to share your feedback with us on the Beta forum

About the Author

Iana Tsolova

is Product Manager at Telerik’s DevTools division. She joined the company back in the beginning of 2008 as a Support Officer and has since occupied various positions at Telerik, including Senior Support Officer, Team Lead at one of the ASP.NET AJAX teams and Technical Support Director. Iana’s main interests are web development, reading articles related to geography, wild nature and latest renewable energy technologies.

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