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June 18, 2013 Release
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Hello everyone,

We wanted to thank you all for attending the WPF/SL webinar today. As always, we had a very good turnout and enjoyed the interaction with everyone.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or send us a tweet on Twitter. We also encourage you to go ahead and download your own copy of the WPF and Silverlight control suite right now.


Slides, Source Code and the Recorded Webinar Video is now available for you to enjoy.


  • We began by showing you some major enhancements in our Q2 2013 release which included -TileList, Spreadsheet, and our new touch-friendly QSF and then jumped into 3 demos.
  • We talked about some of the enhancements in our existing controls and showed 5 demos inside our QSF (Quick Start Framework).
  • We then took a look at how powerful Telerik OpenAccess ORM and RadControls for WPF really is, by demonstrating how to display data from a table in SQL Server from scratch and displaying it in a WPF Application (with full CRUD operations).
  • We wrapped up with resources and Q&A.



  1. Is OpenAccess similar to Entity Framework? Yes, but OpenAccess ORM comes with many enterprise and performance features, built-in (and tested!) support for many databases, spatial data support, new features three times per year, and dedicated support.

  2. Why use OpenAccess over Entity Framework? Here are 7 reasons.

  3. With RadRichTextBox, can the code snippet auto detect which language I am using? No, you will need to select the language from the drop-down list.

  4. What file formats can the SpreadSheet support? CSV, TXT, XLSX. See

  5. Is there a list of release notes for WPF and Silverlight available? Yes, here is the WPF and Silverlight one.

  6. How do you set a theme (such as touch) to your project?

  7. What has been added in RadPDFViewer for WPF?

  8. Have you considered creating a theme repository or marketplace? We will take that info back to the the team, in the meantime, please add it to our portal located here.

  9. Can you merge data from RadGridView to RadPivotGrid? You can export data from RadGridView to xlsx and import it into RadPivotGrid.

  10. Can the diagramming framework make use of the new touch theme? Absolutely, download the QSF (Quick Start Framework) and select Themes under the Diagram menu.

  11. Is RadTileList available for both WPF/SL? Yes.

  12. Why can I find the help documentation for OpenAccess? Please see the following document.

  13. Will the SL/WPF controls eventually be available to Win8 development (e.g., the ScheduleView control)? While we are striving for parity between the Win 8 HTML and XAML controls, there is no immediate parity with the XAML controls. Keep an eye on the roadmap for future developments.

  14. Where is the Silverlight Demo page?

  15. Where can I learn more about OpenAccess? Do you have some sort of learning materials prepared? Yes, please check out our OpenAccess Sample Kit.

  16. What is new in OpenAccess ORM? Please see the release notes located here. We also have an upcoming webinar that you can learn and ask questions.


Hopefully you’ve seen just how quickly and easily you can use Telerik’s RadControls for Silverlight and WPF in your next line-of-business application. Also, tell us what you want to see in the future. Whether it is new controls, additional features or content based off of existing controls, drop a comment in this post.

About the Author

Michael Crump

is a Microsoft MVP, Pluralsight and MSDN author as well as an international speaker. He works at Telerik with a focus on everything mobile.  You can follow him on Twitter at @mbcrump or keep up with his various blogs by visiting his Telerik Blog or his Personal Blog.

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